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Highlight the importance of data in understanding the key drivers of migration and showcase projects where innovation has enabled collection and analysis of data around these issues and their solutions.
Presentación del convenio firmado entre el Municipio y la Fundación PAD.
Learn to use the City of Winnipeg Open Data Portal.
The objective of this event is to reveal and celebrate the skills of web professionals in Parakou, by highlighting their talent and their contribution to the digital development of the region.
To provide an opportunity to explore ideas for utilizing 3D regional data through game development.
Promover el uso y aplicación de los datos abiertos en el Ecuador, así como otorgar un reconocimiento a las instituciones que utilizan los datos abiertos para generar valor público
عدالت اجتماعی، دادههای آزاد، اهداف و راهکارها
es el lanzamiento del portal "Datos por la transparencia”, un sitio web que reúne los visores y tableros producidos por diferentes entidades del Distrito para promover la consulta pública y el control social.
En este espacio te mostraremos cómo navegar en el nuevo portal y exploraremos con expertos(as) la apuesta estratégica de Datos para la Transparencia en el empoderamiento ciudadano y en la transformación digital del Distrito.
El lanzamiento del portal "Datos por la transparencia”, un sitio web que reúne los visores y tableros producidos por diferentes entidades del Distrito para promover la consulta pública y el control social.
En este espacio te mostraremos cómo navegar en el nuevo portal y exploraremos con expertos(as) la apuesta estratégica de Datos para la Transparencia en el empoderamiento ciudadano y en la transformación digital del Distrito.
This Build with AI event will feature many technical workshops and is aimed to help developers learn and apply their skills on GenAI trends and products, and make them employable.
To equip 20 local developers with the skills to leverage open data for air quality monitoring in Kinshasa, fostering data-driven solutions for environmental challenges and informed policy-making.
In introduction to finding, using, and creating open data in a Scottish context
The event assesses coastal vulnerability, identifies priority mangrove rehabilitation sites using geospatial data, and validates findings through fieldwork and community engagement to enhance coastal resilience.
Getting more knowledges to a'data collections and learning our to uploaded it
Extract, collect, analyze, and visualize local government data for cities and districts across Contra Costa County.
To explore the role of open data in corporate transparency, discuss challenges in accessing sustainability information, and highlight how reporting can better support accountability and advocacy efforts.
To promote open-source and open-data collection in Ghana on critical issues like soil pollution from illegal mining (galamsey) and children's disabilities, while fostering partnerships for data reuse and funding.
The purpose of the workshop is to raise awareness among public servants about open data and the open data guide for the government of the state of Nuevo León.
Our project aims to raise awareness among African professionals at Université Senghor about open data as a development tool and polycrisis response, tailored to their specialties and skills.
Participants will collaboratively define, measure, and evaluate DEI in the public sphere.
Am 6. März richtet die Stadt Wien den Open Data-Lehrpfad aus. Diese Initiative zielt darauf ab, „Veränderungen in der Stadt mit Hilfe von Daten“ aufzuzeigen. Der Lehrpfad endet auch 2025 mit einem Besuch im Parlament, wo Expert:innen der Parlamentsdirektion und der Universität Wien Einblicke in das erweiterte Open Data-Angebot des Parlaments geben.
Den Abschluss der Veranstaltung bildet eine Führung durch das historische Gebäude mit besonderem Fokus auf die Parlamentsdaten.
Diffusione della cultura dei dati aperti nella PA
Promover el uso de datos abiertos en la comunidad estudiantil de la Licenciatura en Estadística e Ingeniería en Ciencia de Datos y en otras disciplinas
En esta 15ª Edición, nos enfocamos en datos abiertos para afrontar la policrisis desde dos enfoques: el riesgo climático y la crisis democrática. El primero abarca crisis globales como el cambio climático, la inflación, la polarización política y social, y las tensiones geoeconómicas. El segundo enfoque considera grandes cambios ocurridos durante el 2024 " el año de las elecciones", destacando el cambio en la política de varios países y el aumento de gobiernos autoritarios y negacionistas, lo que ha exacerbado la crisis política mundial.
1. Estimular diversas redes em Alagoas a discutir sobre dados abertos; 2. Estreitar os laços entre potenciais estudantes, pesquisadores e profissionais da área de dados abertos; 3. Desenvolver coletivamente eventos permanentes sobre o tema.
Educate about open data, georeferenced services and open databases that serve as the basis for the development of smart cities. It is also a gateway event for wikimedia foundation projects
Learn about the history of Open Data, how to use it, and some of the tools it powers
Join this virtual class to learn about the history of NYC Open Data, how to use it, and how to get involved in the community
Promouvoir l’utilisation des données ouvertes pour sensibiliser les jeunes et les acteurs locaux aux défis de la polycrise et renforcer leur engagement dans des solutions basées sur l’open data.
To equip rural journalists in Imo State Nigeria to use open data for impactful reporting on climate change and agriculture, in order to drive awareness and solutions.
Using open mapping of schools and learning spaces to boost resilience and crisis preparedness.
El evento usa el mapeo abierto de escuelas para fortalecer la resiliencia ante crisis en Colombia, generando datos abiertos que benefician a comunidades y actores clave.
El evento usa el mapeo abierto de escuelas para fortalecer la resiliencia ante crisis en Colombia, generando datos abiertos que benefician a comunidades y actores clave.
Utilizar un mapeo abierto de escuelas y espacios de aprendizaje para impulsar la resiliencia y la preparación para las crisis.
Utilizar un mapeo abierto de escuelas y espacios de aprendizaje para impulsar la resiliencia y la preparación para las crisis.
Es un espacio que busca compartir, comentar y retroalimentar la experiencia de los proyectos que participaron en el Datatón: Economía de Cuidados 2024 convocado por Estado Abierto del INFO CDMX junto con 20 organizaciones e instituciones.
Enhance conversation about open data by providing data-driven approach to Thailand’s "polycrisis", disaster management
We aim to enhance the quality of open data and metadata across borders by sharing expert insights, best practices, and fostering dynamic discussions on international challenges and opportunities.
Sensibilisation , collecte et audit des déchets plastique a Douala au Cameroun
To equip university students with practical skills in using OSMAnd for data collection and utilizing open data from OpenStreetMap through QuickOSM in QGIS for map-making and spatial analysis.
To bridge Nepal’s geospatial skills gap by providing hands-on training in open data analysis and humanitarian mapping, enhancing disaster resilience and empowering local communities.
We are trying to build a very strong OSM Community in Zambia, this includes sharing strong skills apart from remote edits, we want to have a very sustainable OSM community in Zambia and ensure the open mapping continues.
Show how open data makes a difference for government access.
A community gathering where people share vegan food, discuss climate solutions, and use open data to map eco-friendly businesses—empowering action to reduce CO₂ emissions
Estão previstas atividades presenciais e remotas, pensadas para despertar para a importância dos dados abertos na dimensão ecológica, para fins de colaboração para a conservação ambiental e a melhoria da qualidade de vida dos habitantes, frente às consequências evidentes da crise climática, que têm piorado as condições ambientais nas cidades e levado ao aumento da pressão por recursos, especialmente, os energéticos.
Presentación de convenio de colaboración entre el MUNICIPIO DE PERGAMINO y la FUNDACION PAIS ABIERTO Y DIGITAL en el marco del cofinanciamiento de la Comisión de la Unión Europea para esta última. El objetivo es fortalecer la democracia a nivel subnacional o local, promoviendo la colaboración entre gobiernos, sociedad civil y otros actores para mejorar la transparencia, la rendición de cuentas y la participación ciudadana en la toma de decisiones públicas.
The main objective of this hackathon is to provide ideas and identification/mapping of the impacts caused by flooding and landslides.
We are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Open Data Days in Moers with a program for administration and civil society.
Our event aims to harness open data to empower women-led communities, driving solutions for poverty, inequality, and climate crises through collaboration, innovation, and data-driven resilience.
Raise awareness among marginalized and indigenous communities about the disproportionate impacts of the poly-crisis by leveraging open data.
Raise awareness among marginalized and indigenous communities about the disproportionate impacts of the poly-crisis by leveraging open data.
This is a virtual, spanish-speaking event for researchers and educators who are interested in learning and applying open science concepts and tools to their daily work.
Join us for an exciting half-day hackathon focused on leveraging New York State's Open Data resources using cutting-edge AI technologies and open-source tools. This event brings together developers, data scientists, civic tech enthusiasts, and public sector innovators to create impactful solutions for our communities.
Démystifier l'IA pour les participants et Créer des solutions concrètes pour anticiper les crises
En el ayuntamiento de Valencia queremos promover una calidad de vida definida por la ciudadanía y medible a través de los datos. Si te interesa este reto no dudes en inscribirte en el Ideathon de datos abiertos: [email protected]
Evaluar el nivel de concientización y la cantidad de bolsones de Botellas de plástico Pet recolectadas en las colonias de verano de clubes para seguir su camino correcto en el reciclado al ser trasladadas al predio del Taller Protegido Pergamino. Crisis ambiental.
To rank and analyze the impact of Argentine President Javier Milei's insults toward journalists by scraping news and Twitter data, measuring frequency, virality, sentiment, and media coverage.
To promote and disseminate open data by creating opportunities for knowledge sharing, fostering understanding, and developing impactful projects that address social issues through the use of open data.
Science club results presentation
The events aims to improve preparedness and response capabilities to flood in local communities, as youth are going to use the knowledge of GIS in determining flood protection zones and evacuation roots.
Create awareness of the duties and rights of my community members in issues of life, worship, democracy, environment and Health
To use open geospatial tools to map Komeda’s shoreline
To use open geospatial tools to map Komeda’s shoreline
Raise awareness among high school students about creating community through open data, and the importance of spatially identifying educational institutions to face the polycrisis.
Sensibilizar a los estudiantes de secundaria sobre crear comunidad a traves de los datos abiertos, y la importancia de identificar espacialmente las instituciones educativas para afrontar la policrisis.
La conferencia busca reflexionar sobre el rol clave de editores/as de publicaciones de acceso abierto para impulsar soluciones globales ante la policrisis del siglo XXI, con énfasis en América Latina.
For the first time, Cali will have a digital tool created with different sectors of society to facilitate the monitoring of mayor's projects and contracts. It will have more than 1,400 projects and 6,000 contracts presented in simple language
Sensibiliser et former les agriculteurs et jeunes entrepreneurs agricoles à l'utilisation des données ouvertes pour améliorer leur production et optimiser la gestion des ressources naturelles.
Dresser la cartographie des actions menées pour promouvoir et mettre en œuvre la science ouverte afin de développer une stratégie cohérente de valorisation des données et des publications originales des chercheurs
We want to share thoughts and discuss about open data and science.
We aim to leverage open data to highlight the impact of polycrisis on children in Owerri Municipal LGA and drive data-driven advocacy for child-friendly policies and interventions.
Our event aims to promote open data awareness, foster collaboration, and empower communities to leverage data for tackling poverty, inequality, climate challenges, and governance issues, driving sustainable development and informed decision-making in Liberia.
El taller "Mapeando tu escuela" estará dirigido a estudiantes y personas interesadas en mapeo básico en OpenStreetMap para generar datos abiertos al mapear y para generar las condiciones para integrar jóvenes en el mapeo.
Attendees will learn how to map using OpenStreetMap, growing it with open data.
We aim to empower young people with mapping skills to identify and address community issues, fostering data-driven development and sustainable solutions in the Central Region of Ghana.
We aim to conduct an innovative workshop targeted at introducing Open Street Mapping to the youth of Oduman Zongo as a tool to map the community.
We aim to conduct an innovative workshop targeted at introducing Open Street Mapping to the youth of Oduman Zongo as a tool to map the community.
To equip participants with QGIS skills for mapping La Niña and El Niño impacts, enhancing disaster preparedness, resilience, and data-driven decision-making in the Philippines.
This event will be a crucial step toward ensuring better road data for flood resilience and disaster response. We invite students, researchers, and mapping enthusiasts to contribute to this vital effort. Together, we can create accurate, accessible, and reliable road maps that support communities in times of crisis.
Mapping of municipalities that are part of the growing Metro Manila sprawl that is experiencing the fastest land subsidence rate and are growingly susceptible to hydrometeorological hazards
Learn how to find and use open datasets on education and workforce, and build data skills through hands-on activities with support from Education-to-Career Research and Data HUb (E2C Hub) staff.
Get people in the business community thinking about how they can utilise open data within their organisation to help the world.
Queremos generar soluciones innovadoras para el municipio de Antigua desde la participación y colaboración ciudadana.
The aim of the Missing Maps Project is to map the most crisis-prone parts of the world. With your help we can map communities vulnerable to disasters or experiencing poverty.
Demostrar las oportunidades del uso de datos y su análisis en materia de procesamiento con perspectiva de género en Guatemala para visibilizar las distintas condiciones y problemáticas en el país.
Nagasaki is a city with many slopes. This workshop recalls memories of these slopes and creates a walking tour plan. Using a chronological table of past events, participants explore history and open data utilization.
To impower youth and community at large on the use of GIS and open mapping technology
Promover a conscientização e o uso estratégico de dados abertos para a COP30, fortalecendo o debate sobre sustentabilidade, inovação e transparência para a construção de políticas públicas baseadas em evidências
This webinar is held as part of the International Open Data Day with main topic “Open Data to Tackle the Polycrisis” in collaboration with the State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine, Clarivate, the eIFL Association, Bentham Science Publishers, Odesa National Polytechnic University, and Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute.We invite researchers, university administrators, librarians, and anyone interested in the topics of open science, open access, and research data management.
Introduce Senior High School students to open knowledge and climate literacy. The foundations of digital literacy would be a core of the session.
Inform and raise awareness about the advantages and disadvantages of open data and artificial intelligence in the Central African Republic
Rejoignez Wikimédiens du Cameroun pour une journée de formation et de cartographie collaborative ! Cette ballade pratique vous initiera à l'utilisation des outils de l'open data (Wikidata, Google Maps et OpenStreetMap) pour cartographier les milieux publics et privés de Douala.
Promoting transparency and collaboration by advancing the values of open data, highlighting the role of cutting-edge technologies in empowering communities and enhancing access to knowledge.
celebration of open data all over the world
Dados abertos para resiliência climática: O Open Data Day Floripa busca:
(1)Fomentar debates sobre os impactos das mudanças climáticas e estratégias de adaptação, reunindo representantes do setor público, privado, acadêmico e da sociedade civil; (2)Estimular uma abordagem interdisciplinar e participativa para entender os desafios da emergência climática tanto no contexto local quanto global; (3)Capacitar a sociedade no uso de dados abertos e na produção cidadã de informações como instrumentos para fortalecer a resiliência climática.
Training 10 Ivorians to use open data to map illegal gold-panning sites in Côte d'Ivoire, by producing content on Wikidata and OpenStreetMap.
We aim to raise awareness about the power of open data in addressing South Sudan's polycrisis, fostering local collaboration, and empowering communities to use data for sustainable development and conflict resolution.
We aim to showcase how open municipal and well-being area data can enhance crisis resilience, democratic accountability, and EU-wide data interoperability, ensuring transparent governance and informed decision-making—such as in Finland’s upcoming municipal elections.
Bringing together universities and water companies through open data hacks to stimulate ideas for new products and services that solve complex system level challenges facing the water sector and stakeholders.
Queremos mostrar el conocimiento y las experiencias sobre los datos abiertos públicos disponibles y las oportunidades de su reutilización para abordar los retos relacionados con la igualdad.
The event seeks to re-engage the local open data community in Alagoas, promoting debates, training sessions, and collaborations to strengthen transparency and access to public information on a permanent basis for the entire state.
Open data promotion in Armenia and about Armenian culture and history. Offline in Yerevan
This event provides an introduction into Open Data which will increase awareness of participants of the importance of Open Data, and also provides a space for people to actively work on their data - which can eventually become Open Data.
To investigate open earth and ocean data sources to emphasise the importance of open data to early career professionals in the atmospheric sciences.
Train in data use techniques, build communities around key social issues (like gender, health and transparency and discuss on the state of the openness and strategic use of data in Mexico
to introduce the concept of open data to local tech community
The event will bring together the local community to explore and research the city's open data, promoting knowledge and engagement among new participants in the use and development of public data.
Das OK Lab Flensburg lädt ein zum Open Data Day 2025 – ein Mitmachtag rund um Karten und Daten. In Workshops, Präsentationen und interaktiven Sessions können Teilnehmende mehr über Open Data erfahren und eigene Projekte umsetzen. Der Eintritt ist frei, eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.
Our interest is to drive engagement on the need to improve the quality of Africa's public data and the efforts required to ensure accuracy and compatibility with LLMs.
A day all about Open Data: lectures and workshops will provide impulses and insights into the multifaceted world of data, and special offers to get to know each other, network and exchange ideas await the participants.
Raise Awareness for Open Access, Open Data, and Open Society
Regular online mini-conference, promoting Open Data, Open Acess and OpenGLAM initiatives.
We want to teach attendees how to create your first Android app with a project template provided by Android Studio. You use Kotlin and Jetpack Compose to customize your app and lot more.
Our goal is to engage the local community in exploring open data, fostering collaboration, and inspiring practical applications to address regional challenges in areas like environment, mobility, and governance.
The event will bring together deputies, representatives of the Ombudsman's Office, state authorities, local governments, the security bloc, as well as businesses and open data users to develop a unified mechanism for publishing open data during martial law.
L’objectif est de remplir le faussé des données des femmes ingénieurs qu’il y’a au Cameroun
L'objectif de l'évènement consiste à sensibiliser la société civile, les médias à l'importance de la transparence dans la gouvernance minière au Kasaï-Oriental. En même temps, les jeunes seront outillés sur leur rôle dans l'analyse des données ouvertes liées dans l'exploitation du diamant. Et à la fin, l'évènement aura pour mission de proposer des suggestions et recommandations pour l'amélioration de la gouvernance par le truchement des données ouvertes.
Anlässlich des internationalen Open Data Days 2025 laden die FH Technikum Wien und die Wirtschaftsagentur Wien zur 4. Open Data Expo am 5. März 2025 ein. Auch in diesem Jahr lautet das Motto “Daten erleben und begreifen”. Dabei werden zahlreiche Anwendungen und Projekte präsentiert, die auf öffentlich zugänglichen Daten basieren. Teilnehmer*innen der Open Data Expo haben die Möglichkeit, in 3 Gruppen zu je 20 Personen die Zentrale des Wiener Luftmessnetzes zu besuchen. Zusätzlich werden Workshops angeboten.
To empower communities, researchers, and policymakers in Dodoma to use open data for tackling urban, environmental, and governance challenges through GIS, mapping, and data-driven decision-making.
We aim to create an AI-enhanced flood risk map, train 50+ participants in open mapping, and provide open geospatial data to support disaster resilience and urban planning in Choba.
Fostering open-data culture among data science learners for collaboration and innovation.
This event will explore how open data can be leveraged to address educational challenges, improve access to quality education, and empower citizens to advocate for better learning outcomes. The event will also empower citizens to take an active role in addressing learning crises through open data, fostering a more informed and engaged community committed to improving education for all.
The purpose of the event "Open Data for Education: Bridging Gaps and Building Futures" is to empower citizens, educators, and students to use open data as a tool to address educational challenges and improve learning outcomes in their communities.
Promoting the usage of open data
The event aims to equip fragile communities with open data solutions for economic empowerment, social cohesion and disaster mitigation for sustainable development at the grassroots.
Participants understanding of the role and power of open data in creating peace and sustainable development through accessing the open land data as well as open land data policies in Uganda.
Empower communities by leveraging open data to address the intersection of poverty, inequality, violence, and climate crises, fostering innovative solutions for resilience and equitable development.
Sensibiliser les journalistes et la société civile sur l'importance des données ouvertes dans la promotion de l'Egalité des sexe dans le sport.
Workshops and Hacks with local OpenData
Connecting data practitioners with data stewards, all who are interested in learning more about local data are welcome and invited to attend.
We will create a network diagram for open data that can be used to disaster works in Turkey. This map will include actors, relationships among them and presence of open data (quantitative and qualitative).
To showcase how open data can drive economic growth, improve governance, and empower citizens by making critical information accessible, transparent, and actionable for all stakeholders in Delta State.
The event aims to promote the use of open geographical data to enhance crisis resilience, improve decision-making, and foster collaboration among stakeholders in West Africa.
Our goal is to empower communities through collaborative photo mapping of landforms, election resources, and campus facilities, promote open data accessibility, and improve spatial awareness for decision making.
Raising awareness about the role of open knowledge in national crises, highlighting its impact during political unrest, education reforms, and mass opinion, with insights from the July Revolution in Bangladesh.
The main objective of our event is to show to participants how open data can help in the fight against insecurity and the risks of violent extremism while promoting peace and social justice in Togo.
Mapping Party and edit uMap in Izumiotsu City,Osaka,Japan
Organization of training session on the public data inventory management system-PDIMS for the Ministry of Social Affairs in Tunisia.
Create awareness on the need to improve the quantity, quality and scope of data to accelerate the achievement of sustainable development goals to address priorities areas, and measure progress.
We aim to promote open data access, fostering collaboration, and enhancing data-driven solutions for sustainable development in the Global South.
Through citizen science and new coral ecosystem data in small islands. With local communities, we monitor and record coral damage that occurs and foster a spirit of climate justice through storytelling from childhood.
analyzes the impact of armed conflicts on GDP per capita and life expectancy, examining how these economic and social variables interact with the presence or absence of natural resources in affected countries
Realizar el lanzamiento y presentación del Tablero de Avance del 6º Plan de Acción Nacional (PAN) de Gobierno Abierto Guatemala, destacando su papel en la gestión y transparencia de la información para el seguimiento de compromisos, la rendición de cuentas y el combate a la corrupción.
discussing and validating the steps and approach to establish the national strategy for promoting the reuse of open data
El propósito del evento es abrir un espacio de reflexión y diálogo sobre la importancia de la gestión y preservación de los datos abiertos y su impacto en las comunidades educativas y de investigación.
Updating data on accessibility and road infrastructure in Lubango through OSM, discussing good practices for making streets, pavements and transports more accessible, especially for vulnerable groups (deficient people, elderly, etc)
Conversation on open data in air quality
Join us for a conversation between Pallavi Pant (HEI), Chris Hagerbaumer (OpenAQ), and Rafaela Chiminelli Borth (IRIS) to discuss the use of open data to advance air quality work.
We aim to enhance open data contributions by engaging mappers in solving geospatial challenges on MapRoulette, fostering collaboration, and promoting the use of open mapping for community impact.
The purpose of this event is to advocate for the meaningful and effective implementation of open data initiatives by the Somali government to enhance transparency, accountability, and good governance, combat corruption, and foster collaborative dialogue among key stakeholders in Somalia.
Event Purpose:
Exploring how open data can drive sustainable development amid global crises, fostering collaboration, transparency, and actionable insights to accelerate progress toward the SDGs in an era of uncertainty.
Sensibilizar de las oportunidades para la aplicación de Inteligencia Artificial aprovechando los datos desagregados y conjuntos de datos en Guatemala y/o la región Latinoamericana.
Learn what open data is, how it can be used in AI and its impacts on innovation
Bringing together like- minded innovators to discuss Open Everything.
Our online event hopes to provide a space to discuss the challenges of keeping Open Science initiatives going in challenging economic/political times. We hope to exchange expertise/experiences and provide a sense of community that will help to keep these initiatives thriving in the future.
In this discussion, our panel of experts will discuss how the current political and economic landscape has shaped evolving practices in research and academia, impacting their communities and their own roles, highlighting what steps they are taking to stay resilient.
Harness open data and participatory research in tracking the resilience of indigenous communities facing climate-driven displacement and conflict, ensuring their voices, knowledge systems, and rights are central in shaping sustainable solutions.
To ease access to open data on emergency crisis like Ebola and Mpox which is currently threatening the lives of Ugandans and the region
Sensibilizar y capacitar al sector público sobre la importancia de los datos abiertos desagregados en el marco de la transformación digital, para atender eficazmente las demandas ciudadanas de información transparente y detallada.
Connect our most active communities in the topics of open data, net neutrality & digital heritage.
Open data on the influence of money in UK politics. Join us for an exploration into who funds our politicians and how to safeguard democracy.
promotion of gender equity and increased representation of women in Wikimedia projects
The objective of the meeting will be to focus on the technical aspects to improve the publishing and reporting of the HVDs, as well as to identify means to best support re-use.
We plan to invite experts to present sessions on the latest initiatives in the use of open data, EBPM (evidence-based policy making), and improving wellbeing.
It aims to explore AI, open data, and sustainable urban development through engaging talks and hands-on activities.
Objectifs de la formation :
• Comprendre le concept de données libres et leurs enjeux.
• Savoir où et comment accéder à des jeux de données ouverts pertinents.
• Maîtriser les outils open source pour analyser et visualiser ces données.
• Appliquer les connaissances acquises à des cas pratiques concrets.
we record a podcast about Open data and play for our subscriber in Peertube and Telegram
بررسی اهمیت و راهکارهای تولید و استفاده از دادههای آزاد