We had an event looking at open gender data and had 8 women sharing their research, followed by discussions, and then a mapathon and visualisation exercise. Full details here https://tanzdevtrust.org/2021/03/10/open-gender-data-event/
Open Gender Data for Tanzania: What is missing? Why does it matter?
— Crowd2Map Tanzania (@Crowd2Map) February 26, 2021
Join us for Open Data Day and Women’s Day on the Open Data Landscape on Gender in Tanzania.https://t.co/grqi2wNvBc pic.twitter.com/WUTmZY6eBi
How vital gender data is to achieve and track progress towards equality and the SDGs.
It brings brilliant people together.
All slides from presenters https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H_rCvi71ZG0nTlCMT7CA6higYkhEch6doQvVadx04TE/edit