Live Chat with U.S. Department of Education's Open Data Platform Team - Event Report

Online, United States (The Americas)
Office of the Chief Data Officer, U.S. Department of Education
Photo of Live Chat with U.S. Department of Education's Open Data Platform Team

How did your event celebrate open data?

To celebrate open data, the team managing the Open Data Platform at the U.S. Department of Education participated in a live chat with the public on the use of education data and efforts to improve the transparency, accessibility, and privacy of public data.

Lessons learned from your event

This was a useful opportunity to learn about public interest in state and federal data sets and to share the work of the Office of the Chief Data Officer at the U.S. Department of Education. In the future, we will begin promoting Open Data Day activities sooner and explore additional platforms.

Why do you love Open Data Day?

To drive cultural change, ensure data has a seat at the table, and leverage data as a strategic asset to improve education outcomes for students.

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