Using open data and climate education tools for jobs creation - Event Report

Saturday 6 March 2021
9:00 (GMT)
Accra, Ghana (Europe, Middle East & Africa)
Footprints Bridge International
Photo of Using open data and climate education tools for jobs creation

How did your event celebrate open data?

The majority of countries have made ambitious commitments to mitigate climate change and to adapt to the new environmental conditions while continuing to combat the job crisis.

Footprints Bridge International organised an Open Data Day event to create a platform where youth and women at the national and local level come together to share practices and policy approaches on local economic and employment development issues. 

With almost 30 participants joining virtually on 6 March 2021 to share their experience in policy analysis, provide guidance and using open data and climate education tools on how to define and implement a new policy agenda that takes into consideration the economic, social and environmental aspects in creating jobs in urban and rural communities.

Lessons learned from your event

All participants agreed with the support of “F -Bridge Impact Series initiatives“ to continue facilitate the transition to a green economy which means a model that takes into consideration economic, social and environmental aspects with one core objective: create jobs. These initiatives sought to make a better use of the assets in the rural communities while mitigating climate change and creating job opportunities for the population by effectively using open data and climate education tools.

Why do you love Open Data Day?

To continue to share knowledge and skills for citizens to understand and use the open data tools for a more sustainable world where information is free.

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