Open data towards the SDGs in Matare Village, Serengeti - Event Report

Wednesday 10 March 2021
Mugumu-Serengeti, Tanzania (Europe, Middle East & Africa)
Rhobi Samwelly, Hope for Girls and Women Tanzania

On Saturday 6th March 2021, the eleventh Open Data Day took place with people around the world organising hundreds of events to celebrate, promote and spread the use of open data. Thanks to generous support from key funders, the Open Knowledge Foundation was able to support the running of more than 60 of these events via our mini-grants scheme.

This event received an Open Knowledge Foundation mini-grant thanks to support from the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.

How did your event celebrate open data?

We involved 40 community members of Matare Village District Community and the local development officer in Serengeti. We held a discussion about open data and how can data help the community to reach the Sustainable Development Goals and why is necessary to have open data. We discussed in the form of groups the three biggest challenges that Matare Community is facing and how can they be solved by having appropriate data. We also talked about examples of open data and discussed if there are any SDGs that are taking place in their community and how to measure the changes as they happen in the community.

Lessons learned from your event

• What is open data? And what examples of open data exist (such as OpenStreetMap)?
• How can open data be used for development and planning?
• Discussing the types of data we need in our community in order to be moving towards SDGs.

Why do you love Open Data Day?

It is the day that bring people with the same interests together and share their knowledge about data.

Did you or your team produce any resources (datasets/tools/maps/code/etc) during your Open Data Day celebrations?

Yes. We produced a dataset during the session showing that the total number of households in Matare Village is 720. And that there are the following types of water sources available in Matare (Boreholes 5, Taps 0, Springs 8, Pond 4).

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