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The main goal of our open data day event is to train participants on how to track Covid-19 spending using open government data
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Advancing the production, dissemination and openness of sex-disaggregation of data in Somalia in support of evidence-based planning and policy-making
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En el marco del Open Data Day 2021, vamos a conocer experiencias de apertura y uso de datos en la Ciudad de México.
Conoce qué datos utilizan, cuáles han sido sus hallazgos y sigue sus iniciativas
Acompáñanos en la transmisión en vivo el viernes 5 de marzo a las 4 pm (hr México).
Los proyectos que compartirán sus iniciativas dateras son:
Agencia Digital de Innovación Pública (ADIP) - Alejandra González y Raúl Castellanos
#DatoChilango (Hasel + Chilango) - Carlos Castro
Resoluciones del InfoCDMX - Ma Carmen Nava
Secretaría de las Mujeres CDMX - Dulce Colín
Hoteles feminicidas - Fernanda Cortina
Secretaría de Movilidad (SEMOVI)- Álvaro Madrigal
Impacto de ciclovías - Victor Alvarado -
Introduce Asia Open Data Portal and cross-countries datasets to the public, and encourage more data application
Usaremos Hypothesis, TiddlyWiki, Pharo y Grafoscopio como una caja de herramientas de tecnologías cívicas, que nos sirvan para hacer más fluida la participación entre ciudadanía e instituciones, en particular las gubernamentales
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We want the Afghan researchers, data enthusiasts, also the Afghan government to be aware of this movement and encourage this idea at the policy level
#OpenDataDay is the first event of the course Humanitarian Collaborative Mapping, organized by PoliMappers and coordinated by PoliMappers Faculty Advisor Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli, in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano and other numerous organizations active in the field of open mapping.
In a series of meetings from March to May, participants will be introduced to OpenStreetMap (OSM) and to some examples of how the database is used. Moreover, they will learn how to manage the most popular and innovative tools through mapping sessions.
The event on March 5th is held on the occasion of Open Data Day 2021 (March 6th), an annual celebration of open data all over the world. It is an opportunity to show the benefits of open data and encourage the adoption of open data policies in government, business and civil society.
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Our main goal is boosting a debate on alternative, community-managed forms of housing in the city of Lisbon based on the model of grant of use and raising awareness on the importance of mapping accessible data on available real estate resources owned by the city
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On March 6th at 16:30 UTC for Open Data Day YouthMappers UFBA will host a mapathon in support of fighting epidemics in precarious areas of Salvador, Brazil - Subúrbio I. Brazil has a primary health care network in the Unified Health System (SUS) composed of community agents and family health professionals who work together in the territory with the most vulnerable population. However, this performance occurs with little (or no) knowledge organized in maps. YouthMappers UFBA supports training activities for these professionals and intends to count on the OSM community to map, at this moment, one of the precarious areas of the city that has been suffering from COVID-19 and in which one of these groups of health professionals work.
Community health workers and family health professionals play a fundamental role for these people, as they are the ones who visit the territory, the homes, recognizing the problems at their origin. To do their job, they often make schematic maps on paper and do not use existing maps. In OpenStreetMap, most of these more precarious areas still do not have their buildings mapped, and this is a layer that can help a lot in the work of these agents. That is why YouthMappers UFBA has been supporting the GeoCombate COVID-19 BA Group and seeking to map the most precarious areas of the City of Salvador.
Brasil tiene una red de atención primaria de salud en el Sistema Único de Salud (SUS) compuesta por agentes comunitarios y profesionales de la salud de la familia que trabajan en el territorio junto con la población más vulnerable. Sin embargo, este desempeño ocurre con poco (o ningún) conocimiento organizado en mapas. Youth Mappers UFBA apoya actividades de formación para estos profesionales y pretende contar con la comunidad OSM para mapear, en este momento, una de las zonas precarias de la ciudad que viene sufriendo con la COVID-19 y en la que uno de estos grupos de profesionales de la salud trabaja.
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Mostrar los montos y las empresas contratadas en el marco de COVID-19
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We have many open source software but they are not accessible to all people from Nepal as not all people can read English. Our goal is to create a technical dictionary where technical English words are translated in Nepali. By doing so Developers can incorporate such words into their softwares.
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Pridi na Dan odprtih podatkov, spoznaj predvidene aktivnosti Ministrstvo za javno upravo pri odpiranju podatkov javnega sektorja in primer uporabe odprtih podatkov, ki ga bomo v DIH Slovenije predstavili skupaj z Mestna občina Ljubljana
Come to Open Data Day, get to know the planned activities of the Ministry of Public Administration when opening public sector data and the case of using open data that we will present in DIH Slovenia with City Municipality of Ljubljana
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Take advantage of the first dataset published under the OCDS in the country and improve the data literacy of university students
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Identify, explore, visualise and disclose key facts about projects being implemented by Territorial Rural Development Councils. This will be the goal of the Data Expedition that we will be doing in conjunction with the Instituto de Desarrollo Rural, Inder
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Knowledge sharing about data for development and in the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals
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Reaching more journalism practitioners and university students pursuing data journalism
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At DataDive Kathmandu, we will work alongside teams of volunteer data scientists, developers, and designers to explore the key climate and environment data sources of Nepal
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To present how we can promote help to promote sustainable infrastructure by analysing open data
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Hacer alusión a la celebración del Día de los Datos Abiertos y los proyectos y procesos que del Ministerio de Telecomunicaciones y de la Sociedad de la Infromación, y de la Secretaría Técnica Planifica Ecuador en relación con los datos abiertos para la transparencia y la lucha contra la corrupción.
Share new open data and use projects in Mexico
To ensure that the money allocated for various gender equality and women empowerment projects in Nsukka Local Government Area (LGA) of Enugu State are effectively utilised
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Generar participación y colaboración de los diferentes actores con ideas para fomentar el fortalecimiento de la capacidad de pensamiento creativo de niños, niñas y jóvenes haciendo uso y aprovechamiento de los datos abiertos.
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Mapeamento das infraestruturas sanitárias, escolares e de água no municipio dos Gambos
Dive into newly relicensed and released geo-datasets during a week of virtual activities open to everyone
GeOsm is an open geospatial data infrastructure whose goal is to centralise data at national scale to make it availabale to decisionmakers. This initiative is already present in 22 African countries since 2020.
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Explorar dados abertos para entender os desafios para mulheres no mercado de trabalho no Brasil durante a pandemia
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We want to approximate black people from tech, data and entrepreneurship discussions
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Promote the use and sharing of open data
The event will raise awareness for the use of data in adolescents and youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) related activities and the availability and access to Family Planning Services by mapping contraceptive methods and service availability around the university of Lome
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Demonstrate how equal development within the digital ecosystem in Africa can be improved by leveraging data on online abuse and harassment of female journalists.
Topic: iWatch Africa's Open Data Day Time: Mar 6, 2021 01:30 PM Africa/Accra Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 846 9013 5074 Passcode: 360327
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The webinar will seek to discuss no less than the following items: progress made in enhancing data availability and access for use in sustainable policy development; opportunities for open data in advancing the national and international development agenda; experience of non-state actors in leveraging existing data sources; challenges in utilizing existing data and research in youth advocacy; and possible mitigation measures to enhance uptake of data and research
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Public engagement on open federal education data
Ofrecer una visión amplia de los proyectos que las administraciones locales innovadoras españolas están desarrollando alrededor del mundo del Dato.
In celebration of Women's Month, Trans Visibility Week, and Open Data Day, we would like to invite you to #MAPABabae2021: Choose to Challenge Gender Inequality in Open Mapping! Together with our main partners from MapBeks, OpenStreetMap Philippines, and DSWD, this event aims to empower and engage women (cisgender and transgender) to map amenities (Breast Feeding Stations, Gender Neutral Comfort Rooms, and LGBT Safe Spaces, among others) and feature lightning talks to highlight women and transwomen in mapping and technology
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To launch the MapaTanda Project (a portmanteau of Mapa -- which means a map -- and Tanda -- which can mean older adult but can also mean remember) is a project that seeks to improve the number and quality of data in OpenStreetMap that are important and relevant to older adults (senior citizens) and the ageing population (60+ years old) in the Philippines
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A hack day to open and publish the block coordinates of the plantation conducted during the billion tree tsunami in Pakistan
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The discussion will unfold current situation of security and intelligence information available to the public in Nepal, a policy stocktaking and way forward to generating greater awareness about national security in the realm of open data discourses
At our data club event, we will celebrate the Open Data Day, and furthermore, explore questions around 1) how to increase transparency and detect fraud and corruption in public procurement (PP), and 2) what specific skills, knowhow and tools are needed to empower different stakeholders to find evidence in case of potential hints for corruption
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How should Civic Tech / Digital Volunteering / Open Data / Open Gov continue in Germany and can it become more sustainable?
An event to help students and the community understand more on open data and environmental conservation. Also the launch of the Zanzibar zero-waste campaign
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Train users to access and manage open data for gender analysis
El objetivo es dar a conocer los principales alcances que tienen los datos abiertos en el mundo de hoy
For the Datathon, around 20 local youths will get to learn about open data, its importance and applications
To implement more transparency to funeral business in Lithuania
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Advocate for the government’s application open data in increasing the government’s accountability
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The event aims to create awareness on Open Data Day and how the students can use the data in developing innovative web and mobile applications to solve existing challenges in society. The workshop will consist of several topics with hands-on practice in between. In addition to the invited students from different universities in Zanzibar taking computer-related fields, the total participants are expected to be 100 consisting of more than 50% of the girls. Girls will be given higher priority during the application process.
The celebration day will start with a networking session and three presentations from Ms. Raya Idrissa Ahmada who has worked as a Resilience Academy Internship Program coordinator under the Tanzanian Urban Resilience Program (TURP), SUZA YouthMappers chapter and currently YouthMappers Regional Ambassador in Tanzania; Mr. Massoud Mmanga Hamad who is a developer and Assistant Lecturer from the Department of Computer Science and IT and a Geonode developer under the TURP; Mr. Yussuf Said who is the head Pilot and Trainer at Tanzania Flying Labs.
The participants will gain knowledge about open data and how they can utilize it in coming up with innovative web and mobile applications. And they will have vivid examples of people coming from computer science and engineering fields, now working with open data initiatives.
The event encourages students to use the available open data, as well, as introduce some of the open source initiatives.
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Political and didactic focus on open government and scientific data.
We are introducing these discussions because they are fairly new to our local community.
14:00 Opening
14:30 Round Table I - Transparency as public policy
16:00 Break
16:15 Round Table II - Open Science
17:45 Closing
Round Table I - Transparency as public policy. (duration: 1.5h)
Moderator: Ana Paula Gomes
Guests: Jhonatas Monteiro (city council), Rafael Velame (journalist), Amanda Ribeiro (open gov activist)
Mesa Redonda II - Ciência aberta (duração: 1h30)
Moderator: Angelo Loula
Guests: Rodrigo Tripodi Calumby (UEFS), Washington Rocha (PPGM), Bethania Almeida (Fiocruz), Luana Farias Sales (IBICT)
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If you have an idea for using open data, want to find an interesting project to contribute towards, learn about how to visualise or analyse data or simply want to see what's happening, then come participate! Participation is a core value of Open Data Day, everyone is free to voice their opinions in a constructive manner
Applying data to solve public problems, the business of openness, the availability of public finance data, and the census. We have invited Russian and international experts to participate in the discussions to discuss what is happening with open data in Russia and the world
We want to enable citizens to explore open data from the local government and propose solutions to the problems in our city
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O Arquivo Nacional entende a importância de acessar, utilizar, modificar e compartilhar dados para qualquer finalidade. É uma oportunidade de mostrar os benefícios dos dados abertos e incentivar a adoção de políticas de dados abertos em governos, em empresas e na sociedade civil
“Open Data a tool for environmental conservation” was the theme for the international open data day celebration at the Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni Port Harcourt Rivers State, Nigeria. In February 2020, we planted some mangrove trees to mitigate climate change and encourage reforestation in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria where these mangroves suffer massive deforestation occasioned by activities of oil/gas companies cutting down these mangrove plants to access land sites for their oil/gas extraction. Oil spill soon follows from the consequences of their activities, destroying the ecosystem and micro inhabitants that the host communities rely on for livelihoods and socio-economic vitality. This year at our Open Data Day event we teach the students of Ignatius Ajuru University in Rivers State Nigeria and our mangroves ambassadors on how to use the Forest Watcher app and the Global Forest Watch web tools to collect data and monitor mangrove loss and gain in on project sites
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Brazilian are tired of corruption, and Open Data Day Porto Alegre 2021 will provide relevant and open-access information to show the path to investigate public expenses and how they are connected to politicians and even companies
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Based on the open data of rivers released by the WRA, MOEA, Taiwan, Wikidata and OpenStreetMap are used for data editing/teaching
On Saturday, March 6th 2021, from 09:00 am to 15:30 p.m, YouthMappers chapter Unificar Ações e Informações Geoespaciais, will hold its first online event to celebrate Open Data Day, with support from YouthMappers, the Open Knowledge Foundation, and the Department of Geosciences of the Universidade Federal de São João del -Rei. The event will have lecturers explaining theories and practices about the use of open data for Earth observation and cartographic data- related to water usage conflicts, territorial conflicts, and how to support public institutions. The students of Unificar Ações e Informações Geoespaciais Chapter - UAIGeo are going to show basic functions to use free platforms for collaborative mapping.
The event schedule is below with all times in Brasília time/UTC -3:
9:00 - Opening: The importance of Open Data Day 2021. Professor Sílvia Elena Ventorini Department of Geosciences - Federal University of São João del Rei – Brazil
9:15 a.m. - Open Earth Observation data as a solution for territorial tension points and water use: two cases in Brazil. Professor Évelyn Márcia Pôssa. Researcher of the Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá – Brazil
10:00 a.m. - The Cultural Heritage collaborative mapping network: strategy, dissemination and reframing for the preservation of the Historic Center of São João Del-Rei. Architect and urbanist: Nathália Larsen. Manager of Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional - IPHAN de São João del-Rei, Minas Gerais
10:45 a.m. YouthMappers: Unificar Ações e Informações Geoespaciais Chapter -
UAIGeo President Ana Luisa Teixeira . Undergraduate student in Bachelor of Geography -Federal University of São João del - Rei – Brazil
12:00 - 13:30 p.m. - Lunch
13:30 - 15:30 p.m. - How to use Free Platforms: Mapillary, OpenStreetMap and Kobo Toolbox Maps in different areas of knowledge. Ana Luisa Teixeira, Ana Luisa Carvallho, Thiago Gonçalves Santos. Students of Unificar Ações e Informações Geoespaciais Chapter – UAIGeo
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Through the presentation of our Femicide Monitor, we wish to expand our networks with local and international communities while sharing our data and methodology
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The event will walk participants through the process of visualising qualitative and quantitative development open data for equal development in Latin America, using open access tools
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Five cities come together to host a regional Open Data Day to share how open data has played a role in their cities
We hope to create a quarterly platform that looks at various aspects of the United Nations SDGs to formulate workable and developmental goals that allow communities to thrive and develop through a fair access to data and the digital space, the event should establish a database that allows capacity building, problem solving and technology transfer and skills development from a grassroots level for the marginalised while also giving them a window to the world through the use of data for equal development. We would like to connect with the community more and develop flow up projects and programs to educate communities on tolerance, create lasting empowerment and economic independence
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We at Periféria Policy and Research Center find crucial to direct public attention to current urban and housing inequalities, also by presenting open data. With this event we aim to launch a network of Hungarian civil society actors engaged in open mapping and urban activism. With the discussions and the co-creation of knowledge with other participants in the mapping exercise we aim to extend our previous work with presenting open data on gentrification processes and housing inequalities in Hungary.
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Promotes open data and open government as significant tools towards enhancing transparency and democracy in modern Thailand
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To train Matare community on how to use open data for planning and development
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We are going to tell more about open data to both community activists and people who have only heard the bell about open data
Encourage the use of open data for the preservation and care of the environment and the creation of public policies with citizen participation
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The event aims to aware the community about the availability and benefits of environmental data for addressing environmental concerns in Kashmir Valley
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Mapping the areas under floods risk in the city of Uvira in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
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Join us for short presentations on open data in Tanzania, followed by a discussion, a chance to ask questions and workshops
Meet the new Open Green Map platform, OGM2, designed by GIS Collective for communities charting sustainability, nature and culture. It’s adaptable for engaging a diversity of local voices and issues
Promote and stimulate the sharing of open data about the bike-sharing systems and to present and discuss the importance and the relevance of the current BSSs’ open maps
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The purpose is to allow young people to get to know about PANORAMA's platform but also provide a space for young people to share their stories and projects impact related to Nature and Conservation and be inspired by PANORAMA’s platform inspiring stories
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To highlight and promote the use of open data and data-driven products in different sectors as an effective way to tackle inequality
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As part of the open data, data journalism and datavisualisation community our aim is to strength our community with open sessions called "Ágora MPVD"
The purpose of the event is to discuss the importance and challenges of collecting and sharing open source planting data to assist in the growth of the regenerative movement
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A virtual and physical farmer consultation with key stakeholders involved in the Data4Ag use in Uganda
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To show the benefits of open data (such as an increase in efficiency, transparency, innovation, and economic growth) and to encourage the adoption of open data policies in various government bodies, businesses and civil societies in Cameroon
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Strengthen the community resilience to the rapid rise of the Lake Tanganyika through the use of open data
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Hosting an event to discuss “The Realities of WASH Data” to spark up conversation and equip citizens with skills to use data to demand good governance
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Present success stories of young Panamanian women in open data. Assess the knowledge about egalitarian development and open data in the participants. Motivate the population to get involved in projects that use data to promote equality
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To celebrate Open Data Day on the 6th of March 2021, the Hazards Forum will be hosting an exciting panel discussion event to explore what is currently hindering the potentialisation of open data in land development endeavours and what could be envisaged to solve some of these challenges
Engaging rural communities on open data and climate education tools has become an important strategy to create employment opportunity in Ghana with maximum impact and positive returns for equal development
We’ll be running an introduction to Wikidata and showing how to use it to generate and link open data.
To explore and inform about the gender data divide in agriculture, focusing on West Africa
Local women to gain access to economic development data
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Actividad organizada por Ojoconmipisto para celebrar el día de los datos de abiertos con cuatro conferencias y la rifa de 10 Guías para fiscalizar desde el periodismo
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コロナ禍によって公共交通が大きな打撃を受けた2020年度、その中でも公共交通オープンデータの整備は全国に着実に拡がり、現在、300近い公共交通事業者がオープンデータを提供しています。2017年頃、地方のバス事業者やコミュニティバスから始まったオープンデータは旅客船などにも拡がっており、県によるデータ整備研修なども全国各地で開催されております。首都圏では、都バスや鉄道車両のリアルタイムデータが公共交通オープンデータ協議会によって公開され、Google Mapsへの掲載が大きな注目を集めました。
Review Open Data situation in Thailand and Open Data projects pitching
Are you a data Enthusiast?
Would you like to learn how to make government data better or develop insightful solutions using data?
La liberación de estas bases de datos constituye uno de los ejercicios de apertura que realizamos desde el equipo de Estado abierto del InfoCdMx. El objeto de la base de datos es reflejar el trabajo del Pleno del Instituto desde que soy parte integrante de ese colegiado. Con esta liberación se ponen a disposición del público los datos desagregados de 6817 resoluciones y 186 acuerdos que fueron aprobados por el Pleno entre diciembre de 2018 y diciembre de 2020. Las bases de datos se presentan en formatos descargables en excel y valores separados por comas (.csv ) con el objeto de que puedan ser aprovechados por todas las personas interesadas. Se acompañan de una descripción de cada uno de los rubros que componen las bases de datos
Promote use of open data by The City Of Winnipeg; and to celebrate International Open Data Day
Nossa rede de pessoas embaixadoras promove a nona live a respeito de como abrir dados protegendo informações pessoais: desafios práticos
Learning to produce Wikipedia pages
To promote rich dialogue while focusing on country perspectives on issues regarding data transparency, particularly around Covid-19 data governance
We hope to achieve achieve tracking of unhealthy waste dump in Nigeria using open mapping and the need to caution the effect of unhealthy waste disposal
It aims to give practical answers to the questions of how and why open data should be used
Dar a conocer y fomentar la reutilización de los datos públicos producidos y publicados por el gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Encontrar formas innovadoras para comunicar las políticas públicas y los datos de la Ciudad. Fomentar el trabajo colaborativo con la ciudadanía y otros actores de la sociedad
Bangladesh Open Innovation Lab (BOIL) is continuing to celebrate this day to create awareness in the community about how open data can help the social and economic developments of Bangladesh and be implemented in policies
Un evento di confronto e discussione su zoom con le scuole aderenti ad Asoc2021 dalle ore 10.00 alle 13.00. i team spiegheranno i dati aperti usati nel percorso di monitoraggio dei progetti locali e il percorso di coinvolgimento delle proprie comunità
Visits and users to portal
Solidarity towards International Open Data Day
It is an event that collects photos of attractive places in Chiba prefecture and displays them on a map
We're going to try and create an online space where techies and non techies can meet each other, look at the problems we're facing, and see what we can do about it
Openly publishing the data of Japanese domestic civic tech communities using Wikidata
The main goal of this event is to build capacity and awareness in the local community, so that more people in the Mongolian scientific/NGO communities are prepared to create and use geospatial data
Am hoping to achieve climate change through sensitising the public about what to do to conserve the climate and environment
Celebrate International Open Data Day with different events
Presentar como por medio de la interoperabilidad de conjuntos abiertos se desarrollo una plataforma anticorrupción que ha sido un caso de exito en Colombia
Visualizar la importancia de los datos en la Contratación Estatal para incluir mayor oferta y disminuir los gastos para mejorar las presentaciones estatales
For our event, we will share with our audience (local elected officials and students), how to identify local and national issues from a comparative study of data and raise awareness about the use of open data
Through the presentation of Simone Aliprandi's books, we will deepen what open data are, what are the advantages of open data and why it is important to encourage its adoption in government, business and civil society
The project main goal of the Covid Risk Datathon is to improve in-country Covid-19 data availability through open mapping of high risk areas in the city of Goma for the better pandemic management in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
The purpose of the event is to bring together various stakeholders to discuss the implications of open contracting in the time of Covid-19
Putting data to use solving the perennial water scarcity issue in Zinder, Niger
To create a centralised knowledge and awareness on open information available for driving sustainable development in Africa; as well as bring an increased awareness on data-driven impact development in Nigeria.
This event will educate individuals on effective ways open data can be used to highlight pressing issues in Nigeria like insecurity, food shortages, Internally Displaced persons
Africa Digital Rights Hub is celebrating Open Data Day in collaboration with the Open Institute under the theme "Data for Equal Development". The discussions will focus on whether COVID-19 data should be made open or kept closed at the global level and what that will mean for access and use of such data in African countries in the context of the RestoreDataRights Declaration
Data for Equal Development in Francophone Africa (Cameroon, Chad, Senegal, DRC, Niger and Benin)
To create awareness for all inclusive development in Rivers State
The aim of organising this important event is to teach people about data and its importance
Commitment of decision-makers and populations to promote open data for community development and resilience.
La esencia del datathon: Es una competición que durará 3 meses en la que todos los participantes tienen como desafío participar en alguno de los retos propuestos sobre turismo, agricultura o sanidad
The general purpose of this datathon themed Women and Data for Equitable Development is to: build skills for women in tech/Data Science; link/connect open data to the Sustainable Development Goals and SDG 5 in particular. Therefore, the primary target of this event is Goal 5 which focuses on gender equality. Gender is a theme that cuts across the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. There are 53 indicators that explicitly refer to sex, gender, women and girls. This Datathon will seek to ask Participants: to research data relating to any of the 53 indicators which promotes equitable development; build, test and explore solutions for equitable development.
It is the hope that this open data focussed event will educate participants and the general public about how women and data for equitable development are related
Difusión de Licenciatura en Estadística y Carrera Técnica Ciencia de Datos e Inteligencia Artificial
La Secretaría de Transparencia en el marco del evento internacional Open Data Day, compartirá con la ciudadanía un espacio para presentar cómo los #DatosAbiertos se utilizan en el contexto de la lucha contra la corrupción
Panel los Datos abiertos y la toma de decisiones en tiempos de pandemia
En la celebración del Día Internacional de los Datos Abiertos, se realizarán el acto galardón del 2do. Premio Nacional de Periodismo de Datos 2019-2020, y entregaremos certificaciones de NORTIC A3
We shall be looking at how open data can be used to learn about the power of maps to develop better communities, and this shall be handled by geo-mappers and open data contributors
Comprendre l'accès des données ouvertes,certains licences Open sources , Introduction a OpenStreetMap
Creating awareness of underinvestment in the digital transformation of Africa's public sector through research, analysis, videos and commentary
We are looking to crowdsource data on institutions for disable people missing from existing Ontario and Canadian data lists
Duck, Cover and Hack Episode 03 will raise the theme of "Community help society" What are the stories of using technology before, during and after a disaster and how the data acquired can be useful to the community itself
Será una jornada de trabajo, donde todas las organizaciones, funcionarixs y participantes podremos experimentar el trabajo de datos alrededor de un eje temático en particular.
📌 Evidencias para la gestión de residuos
📌 Educación abierta para las políticas públicas
📌 Innovación legislativa
📌 Planes de acción de Gobierno Abierto
¡El objetivo es pasar de las ideas a la acción! Nos proponemos que cada mesa pueda generar acuerdos de trabajo futuro gracias a la elaboración colectiva con datos pertinentes y de calidad para cada tema.
Que la gente conozca las posibilidades de los datos abiertos, y el valor que aportan a la sociedad.
Conocer mas afondo la usabilidad de los datos abiertos en Colombia
To allow youth know how to use technological data analysing tools in accessing or processing raw data
Create awareness on problems facing humanity
On March 20th, join us for a virtual event to observe International Open Data Day to explore social justice for the people of Vermont by finding, compiling, and analysing data. No prior knowledge or skills required.
We call this the "Equity Counts Project" and it will explore social justice in Vermont, through data, as related to different key populations.
Increase use of OSM data in the DRC
Strengthening the relationship between stakeholders, citizens to use better opportunities to effectively ‘whistle blow’ on projects that are failing to deliver and hold officials to account
Highlighting the value of open data for those interested in family history, volunteers will help others to break through 'brick walls' in their research
Strengthen the technical and organisational capacities of young people, women's groups on agro-forestry techniques, the establishment of gardens, plants for the vegetation cover for adaptation and mitigation to climate change
To mark the open data awareness day in the region
Discussing openly the tactics of cyber crime to help protect the cyber environment
Creating awareness of open data intiatives and programmes
On the GOOD-A-Palooza menu:
• Special guests
• Original Open Data songs
• A curated Open Data music playlist (GOODradio)
• Open Data videos (GOODtube)
• Live chats - you're invited to "unmute" and share your Open Data experiences or questions
A fun, educational element to open-data from an Australian/New Zealand perspective. A free, ageless event supporting International Open Data Day.
Join the Canadian Open Data Society (CODS), GO Open Data (GOOD), and Open North together as part of the Tracing COVID-19 Data Project to “Hack the Data Gap” and make institutions for disabled adults visible.
If you enjoy hunting for information online and know your way around a spreadsheet, we need you. Orientation and instructions will be provided (though you’ll have to provide your own coffee and donuts)
The TransparencIT's open data day event is creatively analyse government financial transactions from the Open Treasury portal and transform it into actionable intelligence to demand transparency and efficient service delivery
Tanzania Data Lab (dLab) in its vision to have Africa where data is frequently and effectively used to inform policy and decision making at all levels, and in continuation of its data science services to ensure solutions are developed to inform policy and decision-making at different levels in public, private and civil society organizations as well as ensuring data is efficiently used.
Tanzania Data Lab (dLab) is organizing a Data Visualization Hackathon, and a Mapathon on HIV/AIDS hotspots and testing facilities in Kinondoni District, that will bring together “hackers” and “mappers” from academic institutions and the general public.
Our goal is to raise awareness about food insecurity in Los Angeles. We’re hoping this event will help us better connect residents with on the ground resources and organizations that can help. This event will also provide an opportunity to deliver better information tools to nonprofits and policy leaders to help guide their decision making
To build the capacity of participant on budget process, tracing and monitoring in a way thst will bring develipment to the community and be able to ask critical question to MDAs
Promote Open Government Data in Thailand
YouthMappers chapters in Bangladesh will celebrate together the day with an open discussion and quiz competition on the 7th of March 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the event will happen through the virtual platform. All the YouthMappers in Bangladesh are invited to join the event.
The event is hosted by #SawanShariar, #RegionalAmbassador, #YouthMappers, through #YouthMappersBD and in association with all YouthMappers Chapters in #Bangladesh.
Universities participation confirmed so far:1. Jahangirnagar University 2. Khulna University 3. Jashore University of Science and Technology 4. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University 5. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University 6. Shahjalal University of Science and Technology 7. Asha University 8. Dhaka University
To advocate local government about open data for sustainable development and peacebuilding, and to engage and build capacity of NGOs, CSOs, young people and anyone who interested to make the most of open data
To express our commitment to promote good governance through openness, transparency and accountability
Creating open data created by citizens
Make an effort with an interest in open data
Making open data-based photo mosaic art with participants
To develop the concept of open data and open government
Sharing of open data utilisation cases
Creating any contents from open data
Help create an open tree inventory for Johns Creek and greater Atlanta area
Celebrating the open data day in Tunisia and present the progress of a project aiming to develop applications based on the reuse of the open government data
Train civil society and public policy practitioners to use employability open data (from PNAD) to strengthen Decent Work, Economic Growth and Reduce of Inequalities (SDGs 8 and 10).
Every year in March, the world celebrates International Open Data Day. Kharkiv, which this year identified open data as a priority for development, is joining the movement for the second time. We invite everyone to join a meaningful conversation about open data with leading experts in this field on March 4 at 15:00 in the center Diia.Business!
Adding open data-related wiki Korean items
Discussions on the state of open data in Niger and resilience to floods through open data
Within the context of the economic crisis that the country is going through, added to the global pandemic that has forced an accelerated digitization of many daily activities, we propose the digitization of documents and bibliographic material as a way of preservation and a measure to ensure present and future accessibility, safeguarding the cultural and historical institutional capital
O objetivo do evento é discutir a importância da promoção de dados abertos no governo, trazendo experiências de sucesso e boas práticas na promoção do tema dentro do setor público.
The purpose of the event is to discuss the importance of promoting open data in the government, bringing successful experiences and good practices in promoting the topic within the public sector
To boast data consciousness for safety and equality, and create grassroot/youths awareness
Dinner and coding, the way Hackathons used to be :D Fully remote, with first 20 folks to come along and suggest an idea of how you might use data, get a free and instant JustEat voucher for your dinner! Of course, if you just want to sit and listen and munch your own chow (or not), no suggesting required - you are more than welcome to sit and absorb.
For those considering entering the Lintol Coding Challenge, which closes on Monday, could be a chance to spend 20mins throwing together some Python (or language of your choice) and get a quick £100, or even £500!
We will take some of the great text from the NI Assembly open data portal, and show you how you can do natural language processing, correlations, and more.
All welcome to this geeky, independent and politically-unaligned event from the Lintol team, an open source platform for data validation and insights. The Lintol Challenge Code of Conduct applies, and bear in mind there may be a wide variety of ideas and interpretations of data!
Show off how open data is described in and can be added to Wikidata and how Wikidata itself is an open data set that can be reused.
Conversatorio sobre los portales de datos abiertos de temas de Justica en América Latina
To produce maps to facilitate in development
To raise awareness on data rights violations during Covid-19 in DR Congo
During the event, we are hoping that our public information will be disclosed through technological platforms
To commit to disclose the public information to the public
To make all sort of public information open to the public
Avanzar junto a expertos en una estrategia para el crecimiento del Portal de Datos Abiertos de la Legislatura
Mitä on kansalaisyhteiskunnan tekemä terveyden edistämistyö terveysuhan aikana? Kuinka kansalaisjärjestöt edistävät terveystietoisuutta ja ehkäisevät disinformaatiota koronaepidemian aikana?
Think about Muroran together
Join artist Jen Ray and data designer Jason Forrest as they present a not-entirely-serious exploration of the urges, needs, and desires of New York City residents - both officially in the data, as well as through informal survey results. Inspired by historic influences such as Otto & Marie Neurath Isotype designs and the Triadic Ballet of the Bauhaus, this performance will be a celebration of the city, echoing the interests that make our shared culture so unique. By incorporating movement, props, pictorial statistics, music, megaphones, and good humor we guarantee you've never seen data presented in this way before!
Open Data Week is a week-long festival of community-driven events organized and produced by the NYC Mayor’s Office of Data Analytics and BetaNYC. Every year, New Yorkers come together all across the boroughs to celebrate New York City’s Open Data Law, which was signed into law on March 7, 2012. Coincidentally, the first weekend of March is also International Open Data Day. Together, we use both dates to anchor NYC’s Open Data Week and increase civic engagement with our municipal open data
Create apps using open data and no-coding platforms
In this activity, we aim to: 1. discuss the importance of taking care of our mental health; 2. introduce the Mental Health Awhereness Project; 3. introduce other projects that promote community care for mental health by different organizations; 4. familiarize with the basic functions of the interactive maps for MHA-PH; and 5. teach how to map available mental health services in the Philippines through OpenStreetMap, MapContrib, and our new free and open-source mapping platform
Open Belgium is an annual community-driven conference about the state of Open Knowledge and Open Data in Belgium
To make visible the role of open data in combating the epidemic and to carry out awareness studies with open data platforms in order to increase the quality of open health data
Aware the local youths regarding the benefits and use of evidence-based data and digital technology and decision making processes; To enhance the data and digital literacy capacity of the youths of simta rural municipality; To brainstorm the prevailing social issues around their community; To generate potential data driven and digital solutions to those existing social issues; To create the networks of youths who can potentially further advocate open data in their community.
The health crisis triggered by Covid-19 has brought to light, once again, but in an even more evident way if possible, the importance of Open Data. What are the processes we need to implement to liberate data and our lives? Today is Open Data Day and we talk about it in full freedom with people from civic activism, institutions and civil society who have cared about the issue for many years and who during the covid crisis have never stopped asking for transparency
Increasing awareness amongs women on the benefits of open data to fight corruption in Imeko community
Improving the address data of the city of Lomé and raise awareness of the daily use of OpenStreetMap data as a digital map
Disseminating free knowledge and information about opendata
Solidarity towards International Open Data Day
We would like to discuss our past and future activities
Con motivo de la celebración del Open Data Day ( por celebrarse a nivel mundial este sábado 6 de marzo, tenemos preparado en ULEAD una serie de charlas en formato conversatorio y una competencia por equipos con una simulación en línea de Harvard Business School sobre Análitica de Datos: Toma de Desiciones Estratégicas.
La simulación es una competencia en equipo. Tiene una duración de 1 hora y se puede jugar en cualquier momento durante la semana del 6 a 12 de marzo.
Las actividades están dirigidas a la comunidad LEAD, estudiantes, profesores, personal administrativo, estudiantes de colegio, profesionales, ejecutivos y público en general. Vamos a tener premios para los ganadores de la competencia y rifas entre los asistentes. Abajo la agenda de actividades
Increased knowledge and awareness of open data, a start on mapping for permaculture communities across the world, clarity on permaculture community mapping needs and international participation for coherence
Let people know what open data is and the benefits it has in society
We are planning a variety of short (max. 10-minute) presentations, to get people inspired by their colleagues’ different open data practices and experiences. We have also invited some speakers from outside UCT to share the work they are doing on open data
International Open Data Day celebration, inauguration of community techno-hub of Dhangadhi SMC, citizens interface with LGs on open data tools handover
The event is aimed at promoting and sharing open data practices of the municipality
Solidarity towards International Open Data Day
Make people aware about open data and its importance
Discovering regional issues and exchanging opinions from open data
Exploring ways to use open data to revitalize the region
Build knowledge from citizenry through open data on different topics that concern to inhabitants of Jalisco state
Discuss the commercial use of personal information and national data policies
Improve animal welfare practices through improved environment data collection
Target audience: public sector open data coordinators and institutional database administrators. The problem that is being addressed is that public sector bodies still do not understand what open data is, what benefits they generate, how to inventory and open data, etc
Celebration of International Open Data Day, lunch at community tech hub, citizen interface on Open Data Day
To bring the national and regional experts to discuss the importance of availability, openness, dissemination and use of data and information during the pandemic. Also, to encourage the participation of all key actors, CSOs, researchers and experts working together to foster an open data ecosystem that allows the accessibility of data during the pandemic
In this edition of the Open Data Day, we dedicate it to highlighting projects and valuable data for approaching the repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic on health, the economy, and society.
"Data for equal development"
- How open data can be utilized by communities in highlighting challenges on both local and international front.
- How open data can be used to monitor the Sustainable Development Goals progress.
Online Speakers
Event aims to show the importance of open data in community and how opensource software can be linked and used in planning issues
Em parceria à FGV/EMAP, a Base dos Dados irá trazer workshop de aplicações com nosso datalake público e lançar seu 1º datathon
Am 06. März 2021 veranstaltet das Digitalisierungsbüro der Stadt Bielefeld im Rahmen des internationalen Open Data Day 2021 in Zusammenarbeit mit Code for Bielefeld ein kostenfreies Event. In vier Kurzvorträgen erhalten Bürger*innen erste Einblicke in die Bedeutung und Nutzung von offene Daten als Zukunftsressource für partizipative Stadtentwicklung und offene Innovation. Anschließend folgt eine kurze Einführung in das Open Data Portal der Stadt Bielefeld (Amt für Geoinformation und Kataster) und schließlich ein interaktiver Workshop zur Visualisierung von offenen Daten (Code for Bielefeld)
Increase the open data community in Brasilia
The solidarity towards the concept of open data, open and transparent government; and to spread awareness at local level about importance of it
The solidarity towards the concept of open data, open and transparent government; and to spread awareness at local level about importance of it
Solidarity towards International Open Data Day
Event aimed at sharing and promotion of open data practices in local government
Develop digital literacy to create overall interest in the use of open data with presentations by guests in three groups of approaches: social, organisational and technical
We expect to motivate and promote the use of open data. We recently launched the first open government data policy and we need to promote it widely
Promotion of openness of public budget to the people
Conversatorio: Datos Abiertos para la Innovación
David Ponce, Director de Transformación Digital
Eduardo Bejar, Gerente General de Fundapi
- Flor Serale - Open Data Institute (Reino Unido)
Consultora de desarrollo de estrategias de datos abiertos en el Open Data
Institute (ODI), con experiencia en investigación, transformación digital e
innovación basada en datos en América Latina.
Stephane Godoy - Grupo KFC (Ecuador)
Jefe Regional de Marketing y Transformación Digital en Grupo KFC, especialista en big data, analítica avanzada, generación de insights y marketing digital.
- Daniel Carranza - Data (Uruguay)
Co-fundador de DATA Uruguay, consultor de gobierno abierto, datos abiertos y
tecnología cívica en diferentes proyectos en Latinoamérica
11h00 - 11h05: Bienvenida (EPICO) - Introducción (Fundapi)
11h05 - 11h20: Flor Serale - ODI
11h20 - 11h35: Stephane Godoy - IFS
11h35 - 11h50: Daniel Carranza - DATA
11h50 - 12h00: Conversación, preguntas y cierre
Working together on open data projects for the Heilbronn area.
Consider the activities for the coming year with reference to the trends of Civic Tech.
Share our experience of COVID-19
Conference, Mapathon and training
To host and train student mappers on open mapping and further engage them in the national open mapping community and bring together a number of players in the open mapping community in Kenya
Webinar on agriculture data in India
Março é mês de celebrar o Open Data Day, aqui em Recife a comunidade de dados, junto com a Rede de embaixadoras para Inovação Cívica da Open Knowledge Brasil e Women in Data Science Recife se reuniram para promover um evento online.
14h00 - Boas vindas e explicações gerais
14h10 - Transparência de dados e informação - Ivan Moraes
14h35 - Diários oficiais como fonte de dados e informações - [palestrante a confirmar]
15h00 - Atividade prática: análise de dados do censo do projeto open source Querido Diário
15h55 - Encerramento
Celebrate Open Data Day
Conoceremos los datos abiertos del Ayuntamiento de Veracruz
We shall be discussing the topic, "Data for equal development", where we shall consider the following areas:
1. How open data can be utilized by communities in highlighting challenges on both local and international front.
2. How open data can be used to monitor the Sustainable Development Goals progress.
Please note that we shall be having some persons who have been part of Open Data and Open Source Projects to educate us on these areas. Thus you are encouraged to book your seat by RSVP for this event, as seats are limited for just 30 people. Also, all COVID-19 safety protocols will be duly observed. Thank you.
Sapere di pià sul mondo open data
To help people to understand how open data is helping women in Zambia
To raise community awareness about open data, share knowledge and discuss how open data can help spur civic solutions
Get to know and visualise data from Covid-19, through arts, and reflect on our future as humanity and as the country of Panama
The events hopes to help the stakeholders and community understand the importance on using open data in addressing the social problems at local level to bring about equal development
Open data to support agroforestry in the Grand Anse in support of the Université de la Nouvelle Grande Anse (Unoga).
Bhutan’s sociotechnical resources are ‘born digital’; The programme will sensitise people the importance of making data as open as possible to optimise reuse through open data and FAIR initiatives.
Form an open data competence group for education, health, agriculture
The main goal of this Open Data Day event is to create an opportunity for the academic and research community to continue to learn about the potential benefits of open data, to share knowledge with colleagues, and to inspire wider participation to make open data a new norm in scholarship and research
For many, the word that sums up 2020 and projects us in the future is resilience – the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties and shocks. The ongoing Covid-19 global pandemic, unpredictable weather patterns and climate change, pest plagues like the locust swarms invading parts of Africa, are just some of the tremendous challenges that our food systems and agriculture are experiencing. To celebrate International Open Data Day and reflect on how open data can build resilience in agriculture and food systems, the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT and the CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture have organized a webinar featuring thought and research leaders in big data and digital technologies in agriculture. The growing availability of data and the smart and effective use of this data in research for development are opportunities to find new, data-driven ways to withstand the impacts of adverse events, nourish people and sustain the planet
Talk about Open Data in Belarus / На онлайн-лекции поговорим за открытые данные в Беларуси и политику открытости
Maps contest for highlighting Open data necessity and use in Romania.
Wie können Startups und KMU hierzulande Open Data nutzen, um ihre bestehenden Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu erweitern? Dieser Frage geht das butkasten Open Data Meetup nach, das am 4 März als digitales Event stattfinden wird. Dabei werden Best-Practice-Beispiele vor den Vorhang geholt, um von bereits erfolgreich umgesetzten Projekten zu lernen
We will collaborate on the Gifu project and discuss what kind of open data should be available to proceed with the project
We collect and analyse the data about green areas in France (especially missing data)
To spread awareness about open data and research data management
Teaching people how easy it is to design a PCB for their electronics project with the open-source tool KiCad
To create an awareness in open data among health care professionals and develop MVP for challenges in the health sector
To create an awareness in open data among health care professionals and develop MVP for challenges in the health sector
To create an awareness in open data among health care professionals and develop MVP for challenges in the health sector
Despite ongoing development in open government initiatives and constitutional provision on open justice, the notion of openness in the judiciary is still opaque which is why this event is being hosted.
Join the Frictionless Data Fellows for an Open Data Day event celebrating open research data. This event will start with a presentation on open science by Dr. Caleb Kibet, followed by an hour-long workshop by the Frictionless Fellows, and culminating in a panel discussing “Balancing Ethics and Open Access Research” featuring Dr. Monica Granados, Cedric Lombion, and Douglas McCarthy.
To advocate open data as a valuable social resource and open a public discussion on the right to access public sector information
The event is for Lay people to understand how their life is controlled by Opaque Algorithms and how their personal data are fed into those systems without asking
The event refers to the problem area of the structure of the global Internet. This structure may look different in different regions of the world. The event will include both theoretical introduction and more practical elements. We will answer many questions and problems concerning network access and data transmission. The event will be located in the areas of data aggregation / processing / analysis, computer networks and security. Topics will be based on two projects implemented by the Cyber-Complex Foundation: iThena and HowFaster.NET. The main aspect of the problems concerns data made available under open licenses.
We seek to unite people who seek data to help make decisions and develop technology for social impact, present technological tools and visualisations, publish projects in different media
Promote the publication and encourage the reuse of government COVID data
Teach people to map for accessibility in OpenStreetMap
Remote OpenStreetMap event in Denmark
Engage over 100 remote mappers across Uganda's New Cities to map their communities
Join our panel discussion on achieving zero hunger through gender data equality in celebration of International Womens Day and Open Data Day
Panel discussion: Open data for Kerala's Future bringing together different communities who working in open data focused on Kerala and Malayalam
The Open Data Day, run by the Open Knowledge Foundation, is an annual celebration of open data all over the world which provides an opportunity to show the benefits of open data and encourage the adoption of open data policies in government, business and civil society. This year, the Open Institute will convene an event to discuss how decisions regarding the access and use of data in Uganda are made.
This events seeks to:
Promote rich dialogue while focusing on country perspectives on issues regarding data transparency, particularly around COVID-19 data governance.
Provide examples from African countries that can be used to develop a repository that provides evidence for advocacy efforts for engaging with governments, acts as an online resource for researchers and build awareness about data transparency
To create an awareness on the Nigeria budget and expenditure as well as to help citizens see the need to monitor spending by Nigeria government using open data
To share the results of an analysis that leveraged traditional and non-traditional data sources to estimate the conditional probability of registering domestic violence in Mexico, São Paulo and Bogotá
We want to raise awareness to our open collaborations to harmonize surveys, match them with various data and put them on maps
Este Datathon tendrá tres retos: turismo, salud yagricultura. El objetivo es que los participantes alcancen una solución que contribuya a superar las secuelas del Covid con datos e información. Cada reto contará con un premio de 1000 euros y 500 para el accésit
Notre évènement portera sur la contribution des Données Ouvertes
Sensitise the masses on how environmental data can be use to illustrate climate condition and the need for people to take proactive decisions to prevent environmental degradation
Jornada de formación para que los profesionales de la Comunicación de la Comunidad adquieran conocimientos y práctica en la reutilización de datos abiertos
The event's goal is to have data pioneers/champions inclusively aware of research on open data across development sectors and about UDOM's Institutional Repository
The bioprocessing will achieve prevention of land and air pollution that resulted from burning agrowastes and the environment will be cleaned off from wastes
Raise awareness on the power of spatial data to assure participation of residents in the decision-making process regarding the upgrading of informal settlements in Fortaleza working toward inclusive urban development established in SDG 11
En el Taller aprenderemos a realizar visualizaciones en el sistema de licencia libre: Open Street Map, éste está dirigido a todo público, por lo tanto no es necesario que tengas conceptos sobre programación o sistemas de georeferenciación. Sólo necesitas tu computador e internet
The Covid-19 Open-Data project would like to showcase the largest Covid-19 epidemiological database available in addition to a powerful set of expansive covariates. It includes open sourced data with a permissive license (enabling commercial use) relating to vaccinations, epidemiology, hospitalizations, demographics, economy, geography, health, mobility, government response, weather, and more. Moreover, the data merges daily time-series from hundreds of data sources at a fine spatial resolution, containing over 20,000 locations and using a consistent set of region keys
To bridge the knowledge gap on the reality of coronavirus vis-a-vis Africa traditional cultural myths (Chira)
A virtual celebration of organisations which share data with WPDx, demonstrating their commitment to transparency and accountability in the rural water sector. Encourage additional data sharing from new organisations.
Awareness session on the importance of data and data analytics. As well, how various organisations are using the vast amount of available open data to run their business and to forecast future behaviour
To enlightened clinicians and researchers on the role of deep learning techniques and algorithms on sustainable healthcare delivery
To create awareness on the level of implementation of SDGs in Kaduna state and how to ensure effective monitoring process
To ensure adequate funding and proper usage of the fund meant for children in special education centre
Official announcement with our partners of a Tunisian competence network in Open Data which will be hosted by Open Data Forum and CAFDO Tunisia
This year we want to celebrate this day with a very special activity: a virtual escape room where in order to save the humanity from a memoryless virus called Memoris-24 we will have to dive in into the world of the open data. The aim of the activity is to promote the use of the open data catalogue of the Generalitat of Catalonia
Learn how to: Define disaster risk in the context of climate and natural hazards. Identify disaster risks in your country or city. Collect, share and use open risk data
Encuentro online entre las Universidades publicadoras y los reutilizadores interesados en los datos universitarios
Awareness on the importance of open data, how we can use open data to enhance Wikipedia, Wikidata, or even more
Create awareness of the importance of community health workers in national health systems
How we can use and create the OpenStreetMap data with open source QGIS programme Meeting ID: 825 6154 8318 Passcode: 992180
To use data for equal development to initiate government and private bodies to provide more jobs for the youth in Nigeria
Aligned with the global and Nigeria's sustainable development goal of equal development, Foosteer Initiative will host a virtual event in commemoration of this year's Open Data Day in Nigeria.
This year's event aims to enrich the public with the knowledge and awareness of the potential use of open Data and ICT tools and how it is used for promoting public participation for effective public service delivery.
You can join our conversation to on WhatsApp by 8:00 GMT+1. Below is the link to the conversation. See you then.
Participants are engaged in a community-driven data collection exercise and discuss their results to understand the relevance of open data to track companies' progress towards SDG 5 -Gender Equality
To share with different people, organisations, institutions and the public how we are using land related open data from rural sector from the Colombian state, to be able to analyse land conflicts and to build conflict resolution strategies
Inform our community center participants about the importance, benefits of open data
Discussion, Data Analysis, Data Visualisation, Research, Networking
We will want to spread the terminology of the SDGs and contribute on OSM and Google Maps
Bringing together three municipal open data platform managers to share their opinion in Turkey
Data Academy Platform session
OSMとUmapを使ってみんなで泉州の見どころマップを作りませんか。Make together Highlight map of OpenStreetMap and Umap in Sensyu,Japan
Open data enlightenment
新しいおおいたを創る「We are Oitan」の活動を事例に新たな魅力発信を考えます。