The role of women in opening data - Relatório do Evento

Monday 8 March 2021
14:00 (EST)
Online, Panama (The Americas)
Lia Hernández, IPANDETEC

No sábado, 6 de Março de 2021, o décimo primeiro Dia dos Dados Abertos foi realizado por pessoas de todo o mundo através da organização de centenas de eventos para celebrar, promover e disseminar o uso de dados abertos. Graças aos generosos suportes, a Open Knowledge Foundation foi capaz de apoiar a realização de mais de 60 destes eventos através nosso esquema de minibolsas.

Este evento recebeu uma minibolsa da Open Knowledge Foundation graças ao suporte de the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.

Photo of The role of women in opening data

Como seu evento celebrou os Dados Abertos?

We celebrated our event commemorating International Open Data Day and International Women's Day. We consider an excellent opportunity to unify these themes that are fundamental for equal development.

Before the event, we launched a survey to evaluate the knowledge that the participants subsequently had about open data, after we generated a registration link for the event that had the participation of more than 50 people.

We train Panamanian women about their current position, role and future in the world of open data. We present success stories of young Panamanian women in open data. We motivate the population to get involved in projects that use data to promote equality.

Lições aprendidas no evento:

We learned that it is never too late to involve citizens in activities in favor of egalitarian development. It is essential to offer information on various initiatives such as Open Data Day.
In Panama, there are many women interested in open data, some are just learning about the subject, others already have a long journey in the area and others are considered success stories for their initiatives. It is important that all these women have spaces for coexistence in common so that they share their initiatives with the community that is interested in strengthening egalitarian development through open data.

Porque você ama o Dia dos Dados Abertos?

IPANDETEC is an organisation that watches over human rights in the digital environment. We believe and support all initiatives related to transparency, data and open government.

We love Open Data Day, because it is a space that brings together people from all over the world with the same goal, financing innovative initiatives to educate the community about open data.

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