Open data and environmental conservation on Zanzibar - Relatório do Evento

Saturday 6 March 2021
20:00 (EAT)
Online, Tanzania (Europe, Middle East & Africa)
Zanzibar Volunteers for Environmental Conservation (ZAVECO) and SUZA Youth Mappers

No sábado, 6 de Março de 2021, o décimo primeiro Dia dos Dados Abertos foi realizado por pessoas de todo o mundo através da organização de centenas de eventos para celebrar, promover e disseminar o uso de dados abertos. Graças aos generosos suportes, a Open Knowledge Foundation foi capaz de apoiar a realização de mais de 60 destes eventos através nosso esquema de minibolsas.

Este evento recebeu uma minibolsa da Open Knowledge Foundation graças ao suporte de the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery Labs.

Photo of Open data and environmental conservation on Zanzibar

Como seu evento celebrou os Dados Abertos?

On Saturday 06 March 2021, we celebrated Open Data Day by recruiting students from SUZA YouthMappers and multimedia group, community members and members from ZAVECO. 

From 3:30am to 11am, we collected plastic and other litter from the coastal mangroves. 398kg of trash was collected and sent to the recycling centre. Items collected included; plastic bottles, plastic bags, tie-tie, sandals, shoes, clothes, tyres, mosquito nets and glass bottles.

The event then was followed by a short dialogue on the importance of volunteerism in generating quality data. This dialogue was facilitated by Ms Asma Ahmada Hamad (ZAVECO) and Mrs Raya Idrissa Ahmada (SUZA)

At last students got the opportunity to observe biodiversity associated with mangrove forests. Mr Iddi Hassan Ali (ZAVECO) guided students through the mangrove ecosystem to let them explore the real world, linking theories and practices. We would like to express our gratitude to the Open Knowledge Foundation for their support.

Lições aprendidas no evento:

Through volunteerism, we can collect quality data and make them freely accessible to those in need. Local NGOs run by local communities often lack access to funding for this kind of work but can partner with students in collecting quality, timely and relevant data to help make informed decisions about their projects. In this manner, students can gain useful work experience before entering formal employment and it could be a chance to innovate to solve more societal problems.

Porque você ama o Dia dos Dados Abertos?

It gives an opportunity for people to understand more about the accessibility of the data and importance of the data and challenges in collection, management and uses.

Você ou seu time produziu algum recurso (conjunto de dados/ferramenta/mapa/código/etc) durante sua celebração do Dia dos Dados Abertos?

ZAVECO - in collaboration with the regional YouthMappers ambassador - plan to establish a volunteerism programme for final year students. For a maximum of two weeks, students will be working with ZAVECO as part of their Biodiversity Conservation and Community Sustainability Program.

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