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Enabling civil society organizations and governments to work together to leverage the power of open data to better understand how public resources are being spent and contribute with independent and innovative perspectives.
The City of Edmonton is using twitter to encourage people to share project ideas for open data so they can be connected with techniocal folks who can help realize those ideas.
Promote awareness and popular use of Open Data in the Greater Winnipeg Metropolitan Area.
Liberar una base de datos de 15 años de solicitudes de información relacionadas al tema de medio ambiente en la Ciudad de México,. Estas solicitudes representan el 3.7% de toda la información que las personas del entonces Distrito Federal y hoy Ciudad de México han pedido a las instituciones públicas entre los años 2007 y 2020.
Events to co-create with the public and citizens a series of services with open data for the Aragón Open Data portal .
Interactive discussion to explore the challenges & way-outs for under-representation of Women in Open Data Ecosystem for Bangladesh; Datathon to create awareness & boost contribution.
To raise awareness on the potential use of open data and the importance of availability, openness, dissemination and use of data and information in the digital age
Training in OpenGeoData and building an app on Open Street Map
We hope to increase awareness about open data and its uses.
Share open data best practices to city employees and the Portland community
On Monday, March 7, we will approach the use of open data in the world of research. The Directorate General for Research will present the CORA - Catalan Open Research and other projects that promote open science. The so-called "citizen science" will also be addressed, with the presentation of experiences from the private sector by Ideas for Change.
Advise members and supporters of possible funding opportunities for open data projects
Conversatorio sobre la importancia de los Datos Abiertos para convertir a Bogotá en un territorio inteligente
Impulsar el uso de los datos abiertos para la creación de visualizaciones.
As part of Women's Day, 8M and OpenDataDay, GenderDataLab.org will moderate a debate focused on the need for open data with a gender perspective.
Impulsar el uso y aprovechamiento de los datos abiertos en Ecuador
Virtual competition focused on open data related to climate change in Costa Rica.
To collect data regarding open spaces & open defecation areas within the location
Start and support open data projects for non-invasive, non-judgemental and non-political ways to apply open data as part of the solution to rebuilding cultural ties after conflict and forced displacement.
El Data Rally: Buscando plataformas de datos abiertos, es un mapeo donde todos y todas podemos identificar portales de datos abiertos del país, pensar en su utilidad y lanzar ideas de cómo aprovecharlos.
This event is the first of a series of events lined up to promote easy collection, storage, processing, reporting and graphical/pictorial representation of quantities (data) for sustainable development in Africa.
Engage a local Community Development Committee in utilizing information on drivers of household waste disposal choices for community waste management planning
Conseguir la mayor participación posible en los seminarios de formación y en la competición
Esperamos conseguir la más amplia participación para la competición
To make visible the progress in terms of open data related to public procurement and the actions of citizens against corruption.
Sensibilizar sobre los alcances y las limitaciones de los datos abiertos en la generación del conocimiento a partir de cuestiones: éticas, humanistas, tecnológicas, de procesamiento y gobernanza de datos.
Sensibilizar sobre los alcances y las limitaciones de los datos abiertos en la generación del conocimiento a partir de cuestiones: éticas, humanistas, tecnológicas, de procesamiento y gobernanza de datos.
Dieses Jahr möchten wir gerne einladen zu einer Debatte über Datensouveränität: Wie wird der Begriff zur Erreichung von Interessen eingesetzt? Wie erreicht man Datensouveränität? Wir freuen uns, mit Euch zusammenzukommen!
Make people aware of existing open data. Develop data stories with participants
Promover o uso de dados abertos para a população, servidores públicos, jornalistas e empreendedores sobre as formas de acesso a dados e seu uso em políticas públicas
Passeggiata per scattare foto con licenza libera, raccogliere le coordinate dei palazzi, dei luoghi e dei monumenti legati ad alcune figure femminili cittadine
Découvrir un nouvel outil pour rechercher, voir et exporter les données sur l’eau de votre territoire situé dans le bassin Loire-Bretagne
Difundir el uso de los datos abiertos entre ciudadanía, instituciones públicas y sector privado.
On Friday, March 4, we will dedicate it to open data re-users, the community of #datalovers who, with their work, help to interpret data, display it in a comprehensible way and facilitate the dissemination of information.
Development of a hail dataset for Southern Africa based on data scraped from social media
Celebration via showing education and promo Open Data - Open Gov't videos from around the world
Posicionar una conversación pública al respecto de los derechos humanos digitales en general: privacidad, accesibilidad, neutralidad en la red, y en particular sobre la transparencia y los datos abiertos
With respect to flood risk maps produced by the initiative, this event will provide an opportunity to update buildings and other infrastructure data at identified flood risk zones. This data would not only be available to the initiative but would be available to everyone who could use it for other applications thereby fostering the sustenance of open data
networking, Activity introduction
Learn about open data and experience how to use it
Networking , Achievement report
Event aims at interacting diffent proffessional and stakeholders with the community of Dodoma and around Tanzania. Also to help students at IRDP on how they can use and integrate various technology and links with their studies.
Generate greater awareness of Open Data and its untapped usage in Jamaica / the Caribbean. Generate greater awareness of Jamaica's Open Data Portal for civil societies and individuals of the region.
King County is hosting our first-ever “Data-thon” to share open data across departments, and learn how King County’s user-friendly tools can provide better data analysis – on any budget, and for any level of expertise.
To share how we, civil society organizations, use open data to create civic participation and to discuss what we need more for the next elections.
I want to increase the number of people who utilize open data in Kumamoto
Este año, nuestro acontecimiento tiene como principal público objetivo a los periodistas. Queremos preparar a los profesionales de la información en la visualización, análisis y comprensión de los datos para la investigación periodísticas y crear noticias documentadas.
En el marco del día internacional de los datos abiertos: “Open data day” Gobierno Abierto de Bogotá promoverá el uso y aprovechamiento de datos abiertos a través de un conversatorio virtual que tendrá como objetivo presentar algunos visores o tableros de control de proyectos estratégicos de Bogotá D.C. y que tengan como eje estructural la participación y el servicio a la ciudadanía, así mismo, se abordará el tema de la historia detrás de los datos desde una perspectiva académica.
Promover el conocimiento de utilizar de los Datos Abiertos al personal de trabajo interno y población de la Localidad de Teusaquillo
Laboratorio para aprender herramientas para analizar datos sobre criminalidad
Together with the developers of the WAPlugin we're going to launch and demonstrate version 2.0 of the QGIS WAPlugin for downloading and analysis of FAO WaPOR open data in QGIS.
A Talk and Training session explaining the application and how to access of open data on (Open Street Map)OSM
To empower youth and women on practical exercises and answers on how and why the use of open data to increase efficiency and transparency in businesses in Yaounde, Cameroon.
Improve the quality and quantity of data on our open data portal
viable enterprises through integrated knowledge management for agriculture developments (KM4AgD).
To make young people aware of the concept of open data and its life cycle. To make young minds aware of data visualization tools using Python libraries. To story tell or visually explain the data visualization that they have created.
To Create Open Geospacial Data for Pudusherry Panchayath Local Goverment through Peoples Participatory way. Event Jointly Organised by OpenDataKerala, OSM Kerala Community, IIT-Palakkad, Geominds and Swathanthra Malayalam Computing.
05 de Março de 2022
To add details in the map, such as addresses or business, with the community while teaching OpenData
Focus on bicycling infrastructure and better OpenStreetMap data
This year's objective is to analyze ocean data, especially data from the seas of our city, and how to use them for environmental action and the protection of the seas.
An open approach to developing infrastructure for Open Science in higher education in Somalia
Discussing about the importance of disaster data verification
We will do open source mapping on Google, present the Google Local Guides program and host a conference on the importance of open data in local development
Far conoscere utilizzi utili degli Open Data
Present the Greek ecosystem of Open Data, current actions and future priorities.
آشنایی با دادههای آزاد، معرفی منابع مختلف و تشکیل اجتماع. رویداد فارسی است.
The proposal of the event is to open space for conversations about open data in the city of Ji-Paraná and region.
Give our audience information and tools to access open government data.
Co-Study of trends in the digital age
chance for people to come into contact with open data.
Fighting hunger through improved animal breeding data collection
Faire découvrir et apprendre aux participants l'usage des outils et méthodes d'assurance qualité sous OpenStreetMap
The proposal of the event is to open space for conversations about open data in the city of Cuiabá and region.
Engage the local population to use open data by presenting success stories, groups already active in the cause, projects in progress and workshops for data analysis
「ビル」もしくは「コインパーキング」に着目したデータ作成 Data making focused on buillding and parking
The theme of Open Data Day 2022 in Cologne this year is "open cultural data" .
I want you to enjoy the data through the experience of turning familiar data into open data.
Engage the public in a conversation on open data and join the international community in representing Education data for the 2022 International Open Data Day.
Civil society literacy and public engagement in the use of data and public transparency.
Reflect over the current open data situation in Mexico and inspire others by showcasing data projects.
debater a transparência na gestão da capital gaúcha em comemoração ao aniversário da cidade e da LAI
Work together to scrape data about Nepalese public organizations and update the publicbodies.org website.
At the event With the effective use of open data to greater innovation, we will look at good practices in the field of data opening in Slovenia, and at the same time look closer around us and learn about innovative solutions that already or will support decision-making in our daily lives.
conversar sobre a recente exclusão dos microdados do Inep, além de outras bases de dados abertos que têm sido ameaçadas por leituras equivocadas da LGPD
Mapathon to support the various national censuses ongoing in Togo.
Collaborate with the production of open and editable data from locations that are not on the map.
Raising awareness of the importance of personal data especially between the local government of the capital and the ICT community
Diseminate our School's Open Data initiatives. Inform our students about Open Data
Serão apresentados os conjuntos de dados abertos da Secretaria de Gestão do Ministério da Economia. Inclui oficina de uso dos dados.
The event will help the Tulsipur sub-metropolitan city to study and analyse the mapped open defecation areas and plan strategies related accordingly.
To collect data regarding open defecation & open spaces with the help of Nepal Waste Map Application.
promoting and introducing Open Data Day events in Japan
By mapping the open defecation areas in the Tulsipur Sub-metropolitan City of Dang district of Nepal, Clean up Nepal will be able to share the information with the concerned waste management authorities and they will be able to plan required interventions accordingly.
tendremos 3 charlas y un evento especial para dar a conocer que son los Datos Abiertos y su importancia
The OSM Africa Mapathon is an initiative to support OpenStreetMap community development in Africa. The aim is to bring OSM communities across Africa together to learn from each other, network, and grow the spirit of collaboration while contributing data to OpenStreetMap.
Getting interesting insights about the city of Paris using Open Data
On March 9, 2020 we celebrate the last face-to-face Open Data Day, we want to strongly recover the informative activity on Open Data with the celebration of Open Data Day 2022 in Barcelona on March 9, after the restrictions due to COVID19 in recent months .
Difundir el uso de los datos en el Periodismo.
We need to discuss outstanding membership registration and monthly fees since we have been affected by Cofid-19. Basically we want to re-organize ourselves now that Cofid restrictions have been eased.
We want to demonstrate how open data can be used to discover hidden threats that are destructive to Nigerian mangrove and call for urgent action to the Save Nigerian Mangrove.
Promote creating, sharing and using of open data via OpenStreetMap
Desenvolver raspadores para o Querido Diário, projeto de abertura de dados de diários oficiais municipais
Different Ways how youths can contribute to enviromental protection and global warming.Adopting environmental freindly practices and policies
Agrega tu ciudad al modelo de procesamiento de datos de CallesDeLasMujeres que visibiliza el desbalance de gpenero en el nombre de calles urbanas, en todo el mundo.
Capacitar a los estudiantes de Guatemala para la edición básica de openstreetmap conformando club estudiantiles y una comunidad duradera de mapeo abierto en este país y América Central
To Promote the Unlocking Data to Innovation
Share new rural water decision support tools based on WPdx open dataset and celebrate data contributors.
Thinking about open data that can be used for disaster prevention for Toyama Prefecture.
Having fun thinking about how to use data and items to solve local problems.
that people know about open data and that we enter more community
As part of the celebration of Open Data Day 2022, the AOC Consortium, in collaboration with Tarragona City Council, is organizing an online demonstration day where different experiences will be presented.
We seek to connect with people to think about today's challenges and propose a look to the future and answer: How can we protect digital private property? Is technology development without bias possible?
To create awareness on how students can use open data in developing innovative projects like drones, ewaste printers, mobile apps etc. to solve existing problems that plague our community
Wir führen in das Markstammdatenregister ein und zeigen, wie seine Daten, kombiniert mit anderen offenen Daten, ausgewertet und visualisiert werden können
This is a question that Rennes Métropole and the government of Catalunya asked themselves. And part of their answer is : building data platforms for the common good. For instance, Rennes is building an open platform for local data - RUDI -, which is part of the European Urban Innovative Actions. (UIA). And the government of Catalunya is exploring the idea of a similar platform... Come and listen to our speakers' experience around data at the local scale, and do not hesitate to ask them your questions.
An introduction to using Python programming language to interact with Wikidata, one of the world's biggest repositories of Linked Open Data
Pequeño repaso de Wikidata como estrategia de recuperación de datos. Desde lo teórico a lo práctico de la implementación con Python.
Make people aware how Wikidata can be used both as a open data and how to find other sources of open data
Gender Data 101 Bootcamp is 5 hours long rigorous training camp, where participants will go through a contextualized Gender Data 101 training course compiled by Open Knowledge Nepal.
Mapping tends to be an individual activity when online, but I would like to propose that it can be more fun to map by working with friends!
Meeting to confirm the progress of the ICT project in the town
To update the open data agenda in Russia for 2022 and bring the community together
여러 지방자치단체의 공보를 모아보고 디지털화 수준을 평가합니다.(gather official gazettes of local governments, and evaluate digitalization levels.)