Open Data Day Taiwan 2021 - Event Report

Saturday 6 March 2021
9:30 (CST)
Online, Taiwan (Asia & The Pacific)
Allen Wang, Wikimedia Taiwan

How did your event celebrate open data?

For this year’s International Open Data Day Taiwan, we decided to celebrate the International Open Data Day with not one, not two, but THREE events covering the North, Mid, and Southern part of Taiwan. And through the power of love, friendship, and the Internet, we were all able to participate the celebration no matter where we were. This year’s topic was water.

We dedicated our focus particularly on the rivers and the water bodies in Taiwan to see how these data could be processed and applied to other usages, and how these data can change our everyday life and make a better world.

More info:

Lessons learned from your event

Through the Internet connecting three events together this year, more than fifty people showed up in person and many more were viewing online. This is quite an astonishing achievement considering we only just started the year before, and we expect this number continue to grow bigger and bigger every year.

Also, at this year’s event, besides our regular NGO friends from Wikidata and OpenStreetMap, we also had some big figures in the house, the Water Resource Agency, Soil and Water Conservation Bureau, and the Location Aware Sensing System community, each shared their experience with us about open data.

Why do you love Open Data Day?

Open Data Day provides a great platform for us to show the public the achievements of Taiwan's existing open communities and data. This time we also invited government departments to share with us Taiwan's existing open data.

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